Need pain relief?
Acupuncture is a therapeutic technique used to increase function, improve natural healing, and reduce or relieve pain. This safe and effective method can be used to supplement traditional physiotherapy, or as an alternative when traditional therapy has been unsuccessful.
Anatomical acupuncture refers to a modern approach taken by the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute (AFCI), using knowledge of anatomy and physiology to stimulate muscles, tendons, nerves and connective tissues.
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture stimulates the body to release endorphins – the body’s natural pain relieving chemicals. Endorphins can help block pain messages, resulting in pain relief, general relaxation and body regulation.
The insertion of the fine needles is minimally invasive, with little to no discomfort. We use only sterile, disposable needles to prevent the risk of infection.
The number of treatments will vary between individuals and conditions, but we typically recommend a trial of four treatments.
Eighty to ninety percent of people will respond to acupuncture with noticeable improvement, according to studies.
We look forward to assisting you.